Waste Treatment
Waste treatment throughout the world continues to be a problem. With the growing population, the amount of waste continues to increase causing a higher demand for waste treatment infrastructure. We need more efficient and proactive ways to treat this waste to maintain a sustainable future. That is where microorganisms and enzymes come in.
At American Biosystems, we believe microorganisms and enzymes are the most cost-effective, environmentally friendly way to manage and reduce wastes and costs. Natural microflora in waste can be supplemented with specialized microbes and enzymes to liquefy organic waste materials, reduce BOD, COD, solids, and lower fat oil and grease levels. This reduces overall quantities of waste and improves waste treatment efficiency, without the construction of new infrastructure or costly upgrades. We offer custom formulations and concentrates to best fulfill the needs and demands of our customers. Please let us know how we can improve your waste treatment process.