Aspergillus niger Fermentation Product
The fungus Aspergillus niger earned the nickname “industrial workhorse” for its versatile uses in the food industry. You know this product better as black mold. Yes, the stuff that grows on your bread and fruit has an industrial application. Mainly, this microbial product helps citric acid develop and cows gain weight.
What is Aspergillus niger used for?
Although many uses for Aspergillus niger exist, the food industry puts it to work helping develop citric acid. You owe a debt of gratitude to this little mold for helping your sodas taste so good. It also helps cows gain more weight, make better milk, and improve young calves’ health.
Helping Cows Live Healthier Lives
As a part of direct-fed microbials (DFM), Aspergillus niger helps cows lead healthier lives. Products like American Biosystems’ Super AN provide a highly concentrated blend of beneficial fungal enzymes that you can add to pelleted animal feeds or as a top-dressed ingredient.
Using direct-fed microbials for dairy cows enhances their milk production naturally. The ingredient Aspergillus niger offers a natural way for cows to make more milk by helping their bodies complete natural processes more efficiently.
Products such as Super AN also help feedlot cattle increase their daily weight gain and feed efficiency. That benefit occurs for both grown cattle and young calves during their maturation process. Consuming a direct-fed microbial product improves the performance and health of calves.
The American Biosystems Super AN Series
American Biosystems created Super AN to provide the agricultural industry with a highly concentrated blend of beneficial fungal enzymes that agricultural producers can safely include in pelleted animal feeds. You can also use Super AN as a top-dressed ingredient, also referred to as a topping or food topper. Think of it as a healthy version of the sprinkles with which you top ice cream or cupcakes.
The Aspergillus niger used in Super AN provides a source of a wide variety of industrial and agricultural enzymes including Pectinase, hemicellulase, beta-glucanase, endo-glucanase, cellulose, and xylanase. This product has activity against the branched pectin found in soybean cell walls. The breakdown of cell walls allows for the extraction of beneficial nutrients from soy plant tissues.
How does it do all this? Super AN contains four hardworking and vital enzymes that make it a veritable health food for cattle. These enzymes include:
- Cellulase 450 CU/g,
- B-Glucanase 125 BGU/g,
- Xylanase 340 XU/g,
- Mannanase 1700 HCU/g.
Scientific research has shown these enzymes offer the greatest benefits to cattle. They also work exceedingly well together.
Why Choose American Biosystems?
Contact us now! Today’s agricultural market offers a plethora of products, and that crowded field can make it tough to choose the right product for your cattle. Your cattle deserve the best and that comes from American Biosystems and Super AN. American Biosystems offers you:
- quality and value,
- the finest enzymes,
- highest-quality ingredients,
- environmentally responsible methods and products,
- faithful service to customers worldwide in 15 countries,
- a large pool of experience across different industries and markets.
We began our journey in service to the ag community in 1979, as a local supplier of high-quality microbial products. We base our company philosophy on integrity and quality. We make our products, whether blended for agricultural or industrial use, with the highest quality ingredients that meet our rigorous specifications. When you choose American Biosystems’ Super AN, you choose the best possible microbial product for your cattle.
Super AN Series
Super AN is a highly concentrated blend of beneficial fungal enzymes for inclusion in pelleted animal feeds or as a top-dressed ingredient. Aspergillus niger is a source of a wide variety of industrial and agricultural enzymes including Pectinase, hemi-cellulase, beta-glucanase, endo-glucanase, cellulose, and xylanase. This product has activity against the branched pectin found in soybean cell walls. The breakdown of cell walls allows for the extraction of beneficial nutrients from soy plant tissues.
ACTIVITY: The product contains a minimum of the following enzymes:
Cellulase 450 CU/g
B-Glucanase 125 BGU/g
Xylanase 340 XU/g
Mannanase 1700 HCU/g